
Kona, HI


We took a somewhat impromptu long weekend trip to Hawaii to hang out with friends and it was maybe the best idea ever.  We were lucky enough to be staying at a friend’s family home so all we had to do was book a flight.  With pretty much zero planning required it was an impossible invitation to pass up.  We were staying near Kona on the big island and the weather was pretty much perfect the entire time so we could make the most of our short trip.


We spent most of our time at the beach – exploring and hanging with the giant sea turtles.  Snorkeling adventures were the perfect opportunity to test out our new GoPro.  It is waterproof to 30 feet down – wooohooo!   We’re still getting the hang out it as you can tell by Glynn’s endless awkward waves – oops.  A short stroll down from our main beach spot, we found an awesome lava rock and coral beach that was all black and white. 

On Saturday we started the morning with a paddle in an outrigger canoe.  It was so much fun and probably a good workout though our guides definitely did most of the steering.  We raced our friends and paddled over to a sandy beach where we jumped in the water for more snorkeling.  After some solid beach lounging time, we played a few holes of golf.  This was Glynn’s first time ever actually playing on a golf course and we’ll spare you the photos of our horrible form.  We had a blast though!  Maybe we should take some lessons in LA? 

On our last day we golf carted over to the sandy beach where we had snorkeled for a morning swim.  The water was perfectly clear and the sand was incredibly soft.  Soooo perfect.  We floated around for a bit before heading back for lunch and massages – an extra luxurious end to an already super relaxing trip.  Take us back!

Seen here on Glynn: pink suit - Solid and Striped, baseball hat - Stussy (in crazy colors), black tank - J.Crew, cutoffs - Levis via Lot, Stock, and Barrel, beach tote - Essex LA, espadrilles - Soludos, straw hat - Janessa Leone, sunglasses - Ray-ban, striped suit - Solid and Striped

Seen here on Cam: black trunks - Topman, baseball hat - Norman's Rare Guitars, gray tee old but similar - General Quarters, espadrilles - Soludos, white tee - General Quarters, anchor bracelet - Miansai, watch - Rolex, ring - Great Frog

all, travelGlynn Connolly